5 steps to deal with anger, fear and panic
In modern world anger, fear and panic require simple answers and instant solutions. The brain is looking for someone to direct this anger, which group to join in order to cope with fear.

Society polarizes around opposing positions, even within the same family or company. Terrible conflicts arise.

What to do in this case?

  • 1
    Do not act out anger and aggression on people who are in close proximity to you.
    We can choose to shift the aggressive momentum and redirect it the other way. Even if it seems that the person next to us deserves this disgrace. Physically, we can direct a blow at a wall instead of a person. Emotionally - sublimate, throw out emotions on paper, cry them out or shout alone with yourself.
  • 2
    Redirect your feelings to another object or activity.
    This is what is in your hands. Anger and aggression can fuel something creative and take on an outward form. Volunteer work, house cleaning, or postponed tasks that you CAN focus on.
  • 3
    Remember that we are all people who are terribly hurt and difficult.
    Try your best to remain human without dehumanizing.
  • 4
    Find someone who is safe to be around, who can handle and contain your emotions without breaking down.
    Explain what is happening to you, give comfort and support.
    Be careful! If the person we want to talk to is emotionally upset, it won't help. The emotions of each of you will "superpose" on each other - you will get the effect of emotional infection. Both will only get worse.
  • 5
    Paying attention to routine matters will give life consistency and at least some stability.
    Each of us is now cultivating that piece of reality in which he lives and is himself. We don't know how to deal with what's going on. But we CAN learn. We don't have any other option right now.
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